Q How is this course different from other courses in clinical research?
A: Most courses are lecture oriented only. This program entails both education and training and is the only program to provide 2 weeks of extensive "hands-on" training. The "Fundamentals of Clinical Research" program is one of the longest running research training programs in the industry and provides training for a number of device and pharmaceutical companies, as well as CROs in the U.S., and has over 1500 graduates. Our primary instructor has been a speaker for FDA and OHRP panels as well as being a frequent speaker at ACRP conferences. Each of our instructors is available for consultation and will answer questions from potential students as well as graduates. In addition, unlike most other programs, MRM provides the student with job placement assistance and resume evaluation.
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Q How does your course compare in price to others offered in this field?
A: To be accurate, this should be evaluated by the classroom hour. Many similar courses cost over $60 per hour of classroom training. MRM's program cost is under $25 per hour. As an accredited provider, MRM has been required to validate the total hours for each of its programs.
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Q How do I evaluate the MRM program with other training programs?
A: MRM is an ACPE accredited provider requiring the highest standards in the development and maintenance of its education/training programs. MRM has a solid reputation in the industry for providing qualified candidates. As a result, the MRM program is being used by many companies in the industry to train their CRAs. MRM publishes its own textbooks and course material as opposed to purchasing from outside providers which many other companies currently do. Other programs are online only without a textbook. MRM's course provides the online program with a companion textbook.
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Q If I were already in the industry would your course be worth taking?
A: Yes, if you want a well-rounded program that provides you with the drug development process from A to Z and a comprehensive understanding of Good Clinical Practices and the International Conference of Harmonization guidelines.
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Q What is the typical background of the students that enroll in the MRM program?
A: Many of our students are Healthcare professionals (RN, PA, MD, PT, RPh, PharmD or Medical Technologist). We also have a large number of students with a college degree (Bachelors, Masters or a PhD) in a social or life science, or Allied Health Field.
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Q What is the structure of the online course?
A: Access the free ‘demo’ to view the features and appearance of this course. The demo consists of Chapter 1 / Section A of the actual course. There are a total of 7 Chapters divided into 2 to 3 sections. Each chapter is followed by a review of important points prior to the multiple-choice examination. A score of 70% on each examination is required in order to proceed to the next chapter. Students who do not achieve the passing score are required to review the chapter and re-take a new examination.
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Q How long will it take to complete the online course?
A: Course completion is expected to take between 50 and 100 hours.
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Q What if I cannot finish the online course in time for the Part 2 “Training” session of the program?
A: The student will not be permitted to attend the Part 2 “Training” session until he/she has successfully completed the On-Line Course. MRM monitors the progress of each student to ensure completion and passing of all seven chapters.
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Q Will I receive a certificate of recognition if I choose the online course without completing the Part 2 (“Training”) of the program?
A: No. The "On-Line Course" will provide a comprehensive education in clinical research. However, the most valuable and unique aspect of "Fundamentals of Clinical Research" is the hands-on training utilizing the case studies and learning exercises featured in Part 2. Individuals that do not successfully complete Part 2 (including passing final examinations) of the program will not receive a certificate of completion, nor will they be eligible for job placement assistance.
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Q Will I be considered certified upon graduation?
A: No, MRM will provide you with a certificate of completion as a clinical research professional for successfully meeting the course requirements. Graduates will also receive a certificate of recognition for passing MRM's GCP/ICH exam. To become certified, a CRA must be employed in the industry for a minimum of 2 years. For Certification visit the Association of Clinical Research Professionals website.
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Q After taking your course, are there any other positions besides a CRA that I may obtain?
A: Upon completion of this program, the student will have a thorough knowledge of all aspects of the drug development process. MRM's graduates have obtained positions such as a clinical research associate, clinical research assistant, regulatory documentation specialist, project manager, data coordinator, clinical data reviewer, medical communications consultant, drug safety specialist, and clinical research coordinator. The type of position that the student has obtained is dependent on the individual’s experience coupled with the MRM training program.
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Q What does assistance in resume preparation mean?
A: MRM's experts will evaluate your resume and help you tailor it to this industry. The student will then perform all editing.
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Q Is there a large job market for this industry?
A: Yes, it is a continually expanding industry, especially due to a growing biotech industry. Individuals with training are coming to the forefront of this industry due to the serious implications it can have on the drug, device, and biologic approval process.
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Q Does MRM have a job placement assistance program?
A: MRM' s Graduates will receive résumé review and employment guide/manual.
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Q What are the starting salaries for CRAs?
A: The median CRA I salary in the U.S. is $53,000. Some may receive a higher salary due to their background and education. A CRA II (2-5 years of experience) has a median salary of $67,200. A CRA III with 4 plus years experience can earn from $78,000 to over $100,000. Experienced CRAs have many flexible employment options (work from home, part-time, independent consultant, etc.).
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Q To obtain employment will I have to travel?
A: Many CRA positions do require travel, but there are also many in-house positions available that do not require travel. Willingness to travel is an advantage, but not necessary. In addition, these positions generally do not require travel: data coordinator, clinical data reviewer, medical communications consultant, drug safety specialist, and clinical research coordinator.
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Q Will I have to relocate for a job?
A: Willingness to relocate may provide you with more opportunities, but it is not necessary to gain employment.
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Q Will I be guaranteed a job after graduating from this program?
A: No, MRM cannot guarantee that an individual will get a job. MRM cannot control interview skills and communication ability. It is up to individuals to sell themselves, as well as express the knowledge they obtained from this program. The graduate must be aggressive in submitting resumes and posting the resume on websites as well as attending job fairs and local ACRP networking functions.
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Q Can I have references of those who have taken the course?
A: Yes, upon request MRM will furnish you with references of individuals with a similar background.
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